Green Millet

  • Arabic: الدخن الأخضر
  • Portuguese: Milho Verde
  • Dutch: Groene Gierst
  • Spanish: Mijo Verde

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What is a trademark?

A trademark (popularly known as brand name) in layman’s language is a visual symbol which may be a word signature….


How to select a good trademark?

If it is a word it should be easy to speak, spell and remember. The best trademarks are invented words or coined words or unique geometrical designs…. 


What is the function of a trademark?

Under modern business condition a trademark performs four functions…. 


Who can apply for a trademark and how ?

Any person, claiming to be the proprietor of a trademark used or proposed to be….


What are different types of trademarks that may be registered in India?

Any name (including personal or surname of the applicant or predecessor in business or the signature of the person), which is not unusual for trade to adopt as a mark….


Who benefits from a trademark?

The Registered Proprietor of a trademark can create establish and protect the goodwill of his products or services, he can stop other traders from unlawfully using his trademark, sue for damages and secure destruction of infringing goods and or label….


What are the benefits of registering a trademark?

The registration of a trademark confers upon the owner the exclusive right to the use the trademark in relation to the goods or services in respect of which the mark is….


What are the formalities and government fees for major trademark transactions ?

For filing new applications there are prescribed forms depending on the nature of application such as Form TM-1, TM-2, TM-3, TM-8, TM-51 etc. Fees: Rs.4000….


What are the sources of trademark laws?

The national statues i.e., the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and rules made thereunder….


What does the Register of trademark contain?

The register of trademark currently maintained in electronic form contains inter alia the trademark the class and goods….


Can any correction be made in the application or register?

But the basic principle is that the trademark applied for should not be substantially altered affecting its identity….


Can a registered trademark be removed from the register?

It can be removed on application to the Registrar on prescribed form on the ground that the mark is wrongly remaining on the register. The Registrar also can suo moto issue Notice for removal of a registered trademark?